
谢兆森1,*, Bhaskar Bondada2, 李勃3, 丁杰4
1河北科技师范学院园艺科技学院, 河北秦皇岛066600; 2华盛顿州立大学葡萄栽培与酿造科研中心, 美国华盛顿州里奇兰市99354; 3山东果树研究所育种研究室, 山东泰安271000; 4河北农业大学林学院, 河北保定071001

通信作者:谢兆森;E-mail: xiezhaosen@sina.com

摘 要:

当前, 对于葡萄(Vitis vinifera)新梢中水分在不同器官与组织间运输途径的研究鲜有报道, 本文以八年生‘霞多丽’(‘Chardonnay’)葡萄为实验材料, 采用染料示踪法观察葡萄新梢中水分运输途径及关联组织结构。结果表明, 在水分沿新梢纵向运输过程中, 各器官的水势大小影响着水分在各器官中的运输与分配, 同一节位上葡萄果穗水势最高, 其次为叶片, 副梢水势最低; 新梢不同节位叶片水势和气孔导度都存在差异, 从新梢基部到顶端所保留的11片叶中, 从基部第1叶到第6叶水势逐渐减小, 第6叶水势值最低, 但从第6叶到顶端第11叶水势有小幅增加, 而叶片气孔导度从基部到顶端则呈先增加后下降趋势; 从不同节位叶柄的染色率来看, 随着水分沿新梢纵向往上运输, 从基部到顶端叶片, 叶柄染色率下降; 从各器官与新梢的水分联系途径来看, 叶柄与新梢间通过4~9条从新梢木质部分离出来的维管束(叶迹)相联系, 而卷须、果柄和副梢等器官与新梢间维管束连成一体, 在节处出现分支通向以上器官, 尽管果实与果柄存在木质部运输通道, 但在果实发育的第二次快速生长期, 只在果刷与果肉细胞相连的维管束中观察到染料分布, 与此同时, 冬芽处于独立状态, 与新梢无木质部相连。因此, 新梢着生的各器官与新梢间的水分运输途径存在差异, 水分在各器官的运转与分配规律受到运转途径解剖结构的制约, 同时, 维持各器官水分平衡关系和生理活动需水也调控着新梢水分在各器官的运输与分配。

关键词:葡萄新梢; 水分; 染料示踪; 水势; 木质部

收稿:2016-02-23   修定:2016-07-05


Visualization of axial water transport pathways in grapevines using dye-tracing technique

XIE Zhao-Sen1,*, Bhaskar BONDADA2, LI Bo3, DING Jie4
1College of Horticulture Science and Technology, Hebei Normal University of Technology and Science, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066600, China; 2Viticulture and Wine Science Center, Washington State University, Richland, WA 99354, USA; 3Breeding Laboratory, Shandong Institute of Pomology, Taian, Shandong 271000, China; 4College of Forestry , Hebei Agriculture University, Baoding, Hebei 071001, China

Corresponding author: XIE Zhao-Sen; E-mail: xiezhaosen@sina.com


The axial water transport pathways of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) shoot system are poorly understood. Eight-year-old vines of cultivar ‘Chardonnay’ were used as plant material, and the visualizing technique of entailing xylem-dye was used to observe water movement in the axial xylem system of current-season shoot. The results suggest that the water potential varied among different organs; the cluster framework showed the highest value followed by leaf and lateral stem. Along the primary shoot, the water potential increased acropetally whereas the stomatal conductance increased basipetally. Moving up from the first basal leaf toward the apical leaf remained before experiment, the degree of staining in the petiole decreased with the water transport along the shoot. The vascular connection between shoot and leaf petiole consisted of 4–9 vascular traces, the shoot vascular connection with lateral, peduncle and tendrils was similar, and the branch vascular from shoot extended into these organs. During the second rapid growth of grape berry, the dye was only observed at the junction between berry brush and berry flesh. During this phase, the winter bud was staying in dormancy phase and isolated from shoot, so no dye was observed in winter bud. In conclusion, the water transport from shoot to different organs on it showed some differences in pathway and efficiency, which were affected by the structural aspect of different organs, the mode of connection with shoot, and the demanding for water.

Key words: grapevine shoot; water; dye-tracing; water potential; xylem

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